Interrupted Pregnancy:
Tubal, Ectopic, and other Abnormal Pregnancies
04.26.2015 - Lori-Lynne Webb
The definition of an
abnormal pregnancy is when a fertilized egg does not attach within the normal
area of the uterus, and attaches in other abnormal areas within the internal
female genital organs, or pelvic cavity.
There have been cases where the egg can attach within the abdominal
cavity, stomach area or even the cervix.
Ectopic pregnancies occur in one out of every 50 pregnancies within the
United States, however some statistics state it happens more frequently. Worldwide statistics note that abnormal
pregnancy to be more representative of 1 in every 100 pregnancies.
A pregnancy that has
attached in an inappropriate environment outside the uterus has an extremely
low change of survival, and can cause extreme complications within the
mother. In the best interest of the
mother, immediate treatment of an abnormal pregnancy requires definitive and
speedy diagnosis, then a decision and undertaking of the surgical or medical
The most common names that
you will encounter for an abnormal pregnancy are:
Tubal Pregnancy
Ectopic Pregnancy
Within an “ectopic”
pregnancy the egg can attached under these sites within the pelvic organ
itself. (see illustration)
o Interstitial
The causes of an abnormal
pregnancy are not fully understood or known, but are attributed to being caused
by a blockage or slowed movement of a fertilized egg through the fallopian tube
to the uterus.
If the diagnosis of an
abnormal pregnancy is confirmed extremely early, medical management of the condition can be
undertaken. The drug, methotrexate may
be given, in which this allows the body to absorb the pregnancy tissue. If caught soon enough this may be enough to
save the fallopian tube or ovary, but is dependent upon how far the abnormal
pregnancy tissue has developed.
If the pregnancy has
progressed further than medical management can correct, then surgical
intervention will be needed. Oftentimes,
the surgical intervention requires removal of part or all of the fallopian tube
and/or ovary. If the tube has been
ruptured and is bleeding, emergent surgery may be required, rather than a
planned admission for surgical management .
Surgical management of an
abnormal pregnancy can be performed as an “open” or incisional operative case,
or as a laparoscopic surgery. Either
surgical approach/procedure involves removing the area of the abnormal
pregnancy and may require removal of a fallopian tube or ovary.
Coding for Abnormal Pregnancy Diagnosis and Surgical
CPT has provided us
surgical procedure codes for the treatment of these type of pregnancies with
the codes
Ø 59120 Surgical treatment of ectopic pregnancy; tubal
or ovarian, requiring salpingectomy
and/or oophorectomy, abdominal or vaginal approach
Ø 59121 Surgical treatment of ectopic pregnancy; tubal
or ovarian without salpingectomy and/or
Ø 59130 Surgical treatment of ectopic pregnancy; abdominal pregnancy
Ø 59135 Surgical treatment of ectopic pregnancy; interstitial, uterine pregnancy requiring
total hysterectomy
Ø 59136 Surgical treatment of ectopic pregnancy; interstitial, uterine pregnancy with partial
resection of uterus
Ø 59140 Surgical treatment of ectopic pregnancy; cervical, with evacuation
Ø 59150 Laparoscopic
treatment of ectopic pregnancy, without
salpingectomy and/or oophorectomy
Ø 59151 Laparoscopic
treatment of ectopic pregnancy, with
salpingectomy and/or oophorectomy
As you can see from the
listing above each one of these codes is very specific as to what the procedure
approach is, and what areas are being addressed in the management of the
diagnosis. If you note with codes 59135
and 59136 it is addressed for an interstitial pregnancy, which is defined as a
pregnancy location outside the normal area of the uterus but within the uterine
cavity in one of the upper “horns” of the uterus and has attached within that
small muscular area where the uterine wall and the fallopian tube meet. An interstitial pregnancy should not be
confused with a pregnancy that is diagnosed as an isthmic tubal pregnancy. An isthmic tubal pregnancy is further down
within the tube at the area of the isthmus.
Coders need to be diligent
in understanding where the pregnancy is located prior to coding for the
operative procedure. If the physician
has not provided clear documentation where the abnormal pregnancy is located,
the coder should query the physician and ask for the operative report be
amended to clearly confirm the diagnosis and anatomic location. Another caveat for coding procedures for
abnormal/ectopic pregnancy is to carefully review if both the tubes and ovary
are removed, and if there are any further diagnoses that need coded in regard to the specific procedure.
The diagnoses for ectopic
procedures in ICD-9 are very straightforward and are contained in the code set
of codes 633 Ectopic Pregnancy. All of
the codes within the ectopic pregnancy codes clearly state abdominal, tubal,
ovarian, other and unspecified ectopic pregnancy. However, if the physician has not specified
what type of ectopic it is, the coder should query and have the physician
correct the record by amending the medical operative record and diagnosis.
633 Ectopic pregnancy
633.00 Abdominal
pregnancy without intrauterine pregnancy
633.01 Abdominal
pregnancy with intrauterine pregnancy
633.10 Tubal
pregnancy without intrauterine pregnancy
633.11 Tubal
pregnancy with intrauterine pregnancy
633.20 Ovarian
pregnancy without intrauterine pregnancy
633.21 Ovarian
pregnancy with intrauterine pregnancy
633.80 Other
ectopic pregnancy without intrauterine pregnancy
633.81 Other
ectopic pregnancy with intrauterine pregnancy
Unspecified ectopic pregnancy without intrauterine pregnancy
Unspecified ectopic pregnancy with intrauterine pregnancy
As we transition to ICD-10
the clinical documentation becomes much more important for coders to accurately
code and bill for ectopic pregnancies and include all pertinent diagnoses.
The ICD-10 crosswalk for
ectopic pregnancies is not much larger than that held in ICD-9, but again
requires the coder to know the type of ectopic pregnancy. This listing below shows the ICD-10cm codes
that are assigned to Abdominal, Tubal, Ovarian, Other ectopic, and Unspecified
Ectopic pregnancy. As you can see this listing is set up nearly identical to
the ICD-9 section, but is more comprehensive in regard to the codes
themselves. The other caveat to coding
in ICD-10 is that the alpha character “O” denotes the code set followed by a
“zero” numeric character. This can be
confusing when performing diagnosis coding with the ICD-10 code set.
O00.0 Abdominal
o Excludes1: maternal care for viable fetus in abdominal
pregnancy (O36.7-)
O00.1 Tubal
o Fallopian pregnancy
o Rupture of (fallopian) tube due to pregnancy
o Tubal abortion
O00.2 Ovarian
O00.8 Other
ectopic pregnancy
o Cervical pregnancy
o Cornual pregnancy
o Intralegamentous pregnancy
o Mural pregnancy
O00.9 Ectopic
pregnancy, unspecified
At this point in time,
where we are transitioning from ICD-9 to ICD-10cm it is wise to dual code in
both ICD-9 and ICD-10cm to become familiar with the new code set and how the
codes cross walk between the two code sets.
The GEMS crosswalk cannot be counted on to be accurate. The only way to fully ensure you are coding
correctly in ICD-10cm is to do the full look-up process for each code that you
have chosen in ICD-9.
Operative Cases -
applying your knowledge
Case #1:
31-year-old white female admitted to the hospital. Patient presented with pelvic pain and
vaginal bleeding. After workup the diagnosis of right ruptured ectopic
pregnancy with possible hemoperitoneum was established. Ultrasound performed in the Emergency
Department confirmed ruptured tubal pregnancy.
There was no gestation products noted in the uterus. The
patient was taken emergently to surgery and a laparotomy was performed to
include a right-side salpingectomy with no complications - confirmed findings of a right ruptured
ectopic pregnancy.
CPT procedure:
Surgical treatment of ectopic pregnancy; tubal or ovarian, requiring salpingectomy and/or oophorectomy, abdominal or vaginal
Final Diagnosis:
ICD-9: 633.10 Tubal pregnancy without intrauterine pregnancy
ICD-10cm: O00.1 Tubal
Case #2
patient is a 22-year-old who presented to our office this a.m. with extreme
left sided pain and a positive pregnancy test.
A quick-peek ultrasound in our office confirmed a mass near the left
tube with a possible ruptured left ectopic pregnancy. Ultrasound did not show any gestational
contents within the uterus. Patient was
admitted to day surgery for emergent diagnostic laparoscopy.
Operative Findings: Tortuous left fallopian tube with evidence of ruptured
ectopic pregnancy and extensive adhesions.
Procedure: After obtaining informed consent, the
patient was taken to the operating room where general endotracheal anesthesia
was administered. She was examined under anesthesia. An 8-10 cm anteverted
uterus was noted. The patient was placed in the dorsal-lithotomy position and
prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion for a laparoscopic diagnostic
procedure. Attention was then turned to the patient's abdomen where a 5-mm
incision was made in the inferior umbilicus. The abdominal wall was tented and
VersaStep needle was inserted into the peritoneal cavity. Access into the
intraperitoneal space was confirmed by a decrease in water level when the
needle was filled with water. No peritoneum was obtained without difficulty
using 4 liters of CO2 gas. The 5-mm trocar and sleeve were then advanced in to
the intra-abdominal cavity and access was confirmed with the laparoscope.
The above-noted findings were visualized. A 5-mm skin incision was made approximately one-third of the way from the ASI to the umbilicus at McBurney's point. Under direct visualization, the trocar and sleeve were advanced without difficulty. A third incision was made in the left lower quadrant with advancement of the trocar into the abdomen in a similar fashion using the VersaStep. Care was undertaken, as not to disturb the uterus or bladder. The peritoneal fluid was aspirated and sent for culture and wash and cytology. The abdomen and pelvis were surveyed with the above-noted findings. Evidence of tortuous adhesions of the ovary and fallopian tube were noted and gently lysed. Ruptured Left tubal ectopic pregnancy was noted in the left fallopian tube near the fimbrii. Salpingectomy removal of the entire right tube was undertaken. Entire left fallopian tube with fimbrii and products of conception forwarded to pathology. Hemoperitoneum was noted and suctioned. All sites cauterized as needed. The instruments were removed from the abdomen under good visualization with good hemostasis noted. The patient tolerated the procedure well and was taken to the recovery room in stable condition.
The above-noted findings were visualized. A 5-mm skin incision was made approximately one-third of the way from the ASI to the umbilicus at McBurney's point. Under direct visualization, the trocar and sleeve were advanced without difficulty. A third incision was made in the left lower quadrant with advancement of the trocar into the abdomen in a similar fashion using the VersaStep. Care was undertaken, as not to disturb the uterus or bladder. The peritoneal fluid was aspirated and sent for culture and wash and cytology. The abdomen and pelvis were surveyed with the above-noted findings. Evidence of tortuous adhesions of the ovary and fallopian tube were noted and gently lysed. Ruptured Left tubal ectopic pregnancy was noted in the left fallopian tube near the fimbrii. Salpingectomy removal of the entire right tube was undertaken. Entire left fallopian tube with fimbrii and products of conception forwarded to pathology. Hemoperitoneum was noted and suctioned. All sites cauterized as needed. The instruments were removed from the abdomen under good visualization with good hemostasis noted. The patient tolerated the procedure well and was taken to the recovery room in stable condition.
CPT procedure:
59151 Laparoscopic treatment of ectopic pregnancy, with salpingectomy and/or oophorectomy
Final Diagnosis:
ICD-9: 633.10 Tubal pregnancy without intrauterine pregnancy
ICD-9: 633.10 Tubal pregnancy without intrauterine pregnancy
ICD-10cm: O00.1 Tubal
Case #3
is a 40 year old Gravida 3 followed by me for a possible left ovarian pregnancy
for the last 2 weeks status post methotrexate.
Today she presented with acute LLQ pain.
Repeat u/sound finding of a solid mass adjacent to the ovary, and no
free fluid in the pelvis. I decided to
undertake a laparosopic evaluation.
Patient was consented and admitted to emergent day surgery.
Findings: Hemorrhagic right ovary with rupture, Right ectopic tubal pregnancy
Procedure: Patient was placed in low lithotomy position,
and sterile prepped and draped. A small
infraumbilical incision made, and a veress needle was inserted. Attempts at insufflation were unsuccessful,
and after 3 attempts at placement, it was decided to proceed with open hasson
trocar. Peritoneal cavity was entered
bluntly and the Hasson was placed.
Peritoneum was insufflated and a 10mm trocar placed under direct
visualization to the left of the umbilicus and a 5mm to the right. A suprapubic trocar was then placed. Pelvis was inspected and right tube and ovary
appeared normal.
On the
left, the adnexa was very stuck lateral to the sigmoid, rectum and deep into
the cul-de sac. After some manipulation
it was noted that both the ovary and tube were very enlarged and purple. There was a definite separation between the
tube and the ovary however both were involved. The ovary was densely adherent
to the left pelvic sidewall and had essentially and a hemorrhagic polycystic
ovary appearance. It was determined due
to the extensive nature of the hemorrhage, we would remove the ovary in
addition to the tube. The left tube had
a ruptured ectopic pregnancy within the mid-section of the tube with pronounced
tubal dilation but no definite rupture of the tube at this time. The
lateral peritoneum to the sigmoid was incised with a scissors to try to
mobilize the sigmoid medially to get to the tube and ovary. With some blunt dissection the left tube was
freed and also the left ovary. A 10mm
ligasure was brought across the tube near the uterus and cut, then brought
along the mesosalpinx and the tube was excised.
The same procedure was performed to excise the ovary. Both specimens were removed through the
umbilical port site. The Adnexa was
irrigated and hemostasis appeared good.
Blood loss was around 50cc. Patient taken to recovery in satisfactory
CPT Procedure:
59151 Laparoscopic treatment of ectopic pregnancy, with salpingectomy and/or oophorectomy
ICD-9: 633.10 Tubal
pregnancy without intrauterine pregnancy
256.4 Polycystic ovaries
ICD-10cm: O00.1 Tubal pregnancy
E28.2 Polycystic ovarian syndrome
A. Webb, CPC, CCS-P, CCP, CHDA, COBGC and ICD10 cm/pcs Ambassador/trainer is an
E&M, and Procedure based Coding, Compliance, Data Charge entry and HIPAA
Privacy specialist, with over 20 years of experience. Lori-Lynne’s coding specialty is OB/GYN
office & Hospitalist Services, Maternal Fetal Medicine, OB/GYN Oncology,
Urology, and general surgical coding.
She can be reached via e-mail at or you can also find current
coding information on her blog site:
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